I am currently a researcher at INESC TEC (DSR HASLab group) and an Invited Assistant Professor at University of Minho.
My current research focus is on privacy-preserving and distributed machine learning systems. Nonetheless, my research interests have been shifting towards three other topics:
- Energy consumption and storage optimizations in modern and large-scale I/O infrastructures for deep learning workloads.
- Machine learning for systems optimizations.
- Storage optimizations for machine learning workloads.
- Distributed machine learning for biomedical research.
Ph.D — Doctoral Program in Computer Science
Thesis: “Towards a Privacy-Preserving Distributed Machine Learning Framework.”
Supervised by Prof. João Paulo and Prof. Pedro Ferreira. University of Minho.
2018 — 2024
MSc — Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering
Thesis: “Cloud-based analytics for monitoring and classification of arrhythmias.”
Supervised by Prof. António Sousa.
University of Minho.
2013 — 2018
Assistant Researcher, HASLab INESC TEC. Research in distributed and energy-efficient machine learning and also on Application-specific AI for healthcare. 2018 — 2024
Research Assistant (PhD student), HASLab INESC TEC. Research in distributed and privacy-preserving machine learning. 2018 — 2024
Data Research Intern, Ubiwhere. Supervisor: Ricardo Vitorino Research and development of a federated learning system for urban mobility. 2021.07 — 2021.12